Join the STRONG Mini-Bootcamp!
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How It Works
Every day for 5 days you get one email delivered to your inbox with your assignment for the day and guidance on how to do it!
If you're ready to start working out consistently at home, this is where you start.
Day 1: Preparing Your Environment
I'll be helping you prepare your workout space and design your environment so that your workouts require less motivation and are easier to stick to!
Day 2: Full Body Workout
Now it's time to test out your space! You'll have a simple full body workout that you can do at home!
Day 3: Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition
You'll get stronger faster and have more energy through your workouts if you fuel properly! I'll be teaching you how!
Day 4: Full Body Workout
As long as you push yourself hard enough, all you need is 2 full body workouts a week to see results from your workouts. Crazy right?! No need for 6 workouts/week.
Day 5: Exercise Recovery
I'm sure you have so much else going on besides workouts and this all places stress on your body! Let's make sure your body recovers properly before you ask it to do anymore.

Every person who participates in the daily challenge of the Strong Mini-Bootcamp wins a FREE COPY of my E-Book, Intro to Weightlifting.
Intro to Weightlifting is your guide to clarity and confidence in the weight room. With this guidebook the weight room will no longer feel like a foreign country, but can feel like a second home!
It's time you claimed your space in there.
Join for Free!