The Strong with Estelle Membership


a 12-month fitness membership that takes you from gymtimidated to lifting queen


Join the Membership



I know you love video content so we've put the SWE Membership info into an easily digestible video while you get to your future coach, me! 


Join the Membership

It's time you said "peace out" ✌️ to gym anxiety.


Your workouts are about to be easy, breezy, beautiful.


You deserve it. *hair flip*




You do workouts you find on Instagram.

You workout pretty regularly, but the workouts are random.

You want to lift heavy to build muscle, but you're afraid your form is off.

You blame your lack of progress on your age, genetics, and schedule.

But now you’re done with excuses and playing the guessing game.


That was me, too.



 a clear workout program and to know that they will bring you results.

to know what "proper" form is.

to get stronger and stay consistent.

to be able to ask personal questions and get professional answers.

to care for your body like you care for everyone else.




Strong with Estelle is a fitness membership that helps you gain confidence with weights, get stronger faster, stay consistent with exercise, and teaches you how to do it on your own one day.

All of your workouts are 100% mapped out, you receive community support, and learn how to confidently lift weights and be consistent on your own.

You could have all this with the click of a button. 




you can quickly and easily get stronger with all your workouts (home & gym) apped out, video demonstrations, and a place to track your progress



have your questions answered in depth with 24/7 access to a course of 5 educational video modules on exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle



never feel alone with in-app group support from me (your coach) and all the other ladies within the Strong with Estelle membership


Say goodbye to...


workouts that leave you exhausted with little-no results

endless amounts of dreadful cardio

starting again only to burn out in a few weeks

feeling confused and awkward with barbells and machines

feeling unsupported with your fitness goals

workouts and programs that leave you wondering what to do next

Say hello to...


workouts that leave you energized and joyful

only as much cardio as your little heart desires

sticking to your workouts with ease

clarity and confidence with different workout equipment

a support system that always has your back

up to a FULL YEAR of workouts + exercise education 


Check Out What the Girls Inside Have Accomplished!

Strong with Estelle is like a beginner lifter's bible.


You’ll become confident with all basics lifts and more: squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, push-ups, bent press, pull-ups, rows, and overhead pressing movements. These lifts transfer into everyday life and give you more energy and confidence outside the gym.


You’ll learn how to make this a LIFESTYLE.  While life is so much more than lifting, this membership is for people who wanted a committed relationship with weightlifting.


You’ll have a solid plan of action for all your workouts!  No more guessing or random workouts. This is key to seeing consistent progress.


You'll learn how to approach lifting holistically: In order to be a good lifter you need more than just the workouts.  You need to fuel properly, recover well, and enjoy life.  The SWE membership has you covered.



What Do You Get Inside Strong with Estelle?


  • All Tiers: the workout program (each phase lasts 5-6 weeks)


  • All Tiers: your personal profile on the Trainerize app to view all of your workouts, exercise demos, track progress, schedule workouts, sync with Apple Watch, FitBit, and MyFitnessPal, and communicate with Estelle and the Strong with Estelle community


  • All Tiers: exercise demos for each exercise in the program


  • Tiers 2 & 3: group chat access to me and all the other girls in the community (this is where you will ask questions, share wins, and receive encouragement)

  • Tier 3: access the the Strong with Video Lessons: a series of 5 education video modules to teach you about lifting form, exercise nutrition, cardio, lifestyle change, and more)

Happy Client

"I'm focusing on how I've felt happy and organized and staying motivated to keep ups with my exercise routine and habits.  It feels like such a victory!"

Alyssa L.

Thank you for guiding me and helping me reach my goals and become more consistent.  I have an amazing coach!"

Jessica F.

"Before I started I had little confidence in my abilities, but she showed me just how much I was capable of.  I thought I couldn't run 1 mile, but before I knew it I ran 4!"

Lemme know if this is you...


You want to lift without the worry that you’re going to get hurt. 

You want a workout program that is specifically designed to take you to your goals.

You’re ready to be strategic and get stronger.

You want to see what your body can DO.

You want to LEARN along the way, not be tied to a coach for the rest of your life.

You want a support system and trainer that hold you accountable and care about you.



What Makes Strong with Estelle Different ?

Long-Term View 


Most fitness memberships offer (1) random workouts or (2) short-term programs.  Having a long-term plan is a key for success.  Strong with Estelle offers you continuous workouts and gives you the foundation to fly

Learn as You Go


Most memberships don't TEACH you.  They make you dependent on them.  Strong with Estelle teaches you how to do this on your own one day.  I don't want you to need me forever.

Talk with Me


Most memberships are conceptualized by the trainer, but run by someone else. Most will not know your name or goals. I show up in the group multiple times/week to see how you are doing and teach.

We Go Deeper than Workouts

"It's a lifestyle to improve the quality of my life."


“Thank you, Estelle, you rock and your program again has been helping me HEAL so much in so many ways.  Working out isn’t just for my muscles.  It’s a lifestyle to improve the quality of my life.”

- Melysa

"I've been through a lot of personal trainers and you are definitely the best I've ever had."


“I have been through a lot of personal trainers and you aredefinitely the best I’ve ever had.  You have no idea how much you’ve helped me.”

- Krystal

Join Strong with Estelle

l'm Your Coach and Trainer, Estelle!


I used to feel CLUELESS when it came to workouts.

In order to feel less clueless I started using workouts I found online - especially Instagram!

While I did get stronger at first, it didn't last long.

I started to burn out because the workouts were not giving much a "return" for the "investment" I put in.

Once I started following a long-term program, learned how to use weights, and aligned my actions with the life I wanted, things started to fall into place.

I would seriously blow my own mind how much stronger I could get each week.

I gained confidence that I carried with me outside the gym.  I stood up for myself, appreciate myself more, and even had MORE energy.


Now I help you do this too.

Imagine This


You know exactly what your plan is when you walk in to the gym

You feel comfortable and confident setting up for all your lifts.

You have to switch out your dumbbells because they felt lighter than expected.

You're more excited over your first 5 push ups instead of the first 5lb.

 You can run around with your kids all day and not get tired.

You can carry all the groceries in in one trip.

You're no longer worried about how you look in pictures and asking for a retake.

You have confidence, determination, freedom, strength, appreciation, clarity, and energy


Alyssa L.

"Working with Estelle has honestly been the best decision I've made all year."

Lara K.

"She has completely changed my outlook on personal training and fitness."

Rayna O.

"I would recommend anyone to work with her!  One of the best decisions I made all of 2020."




Check out what you'll learn in the course! 



This is what one of the members shared after going through only the very first module!


Here's a sample video lesson from the course!

I guide you through the process of troubleshooting when you're not seeing progress. 

Strong with Estelle is a normally $32-$88/month or $320-$880/year.


But during the annual sale it will be 20% off! 


We kick things off May 13th!



Tier 1


Dip Your Toes

  • 2-5 workouts week with 5-6/week splits (home and gym options)
  • personal profile on the Trainerize app (to track metrics, view your program, and schedule workouts)

Tier 2


Go Swimming

  • everything from Tier 1
  • unlimited group support in the chat
  • monthly motivation and encouragement videos 

Tier 3


Dive Deep

  • everything from Tier 2
  • Strong with Estelle Course




Tier 1


save $64

  • 2-5 workouts week with 5-6/week splits (home and gym options)
  • personal profile on the Trainerize app (to track metrics, view your program, and schedule workouts)

Tier 2


save $94

  • everything from Tier 1
  • unlimited group support in the chat

Tier 3


save $176

  • everything from Tier 2
  • Strong with Estelle Course

"I was so helped and changed by Estelle's practical, grace-filled approach to healthy habits."


I had never invested in a training program before because I was worried that it wouldn’t help.  I was SO helped and changed by Estelle’s practical, grace-filled approach to healthy habits, long-term changes, and goals that are based on health and not mere aesthetics. I would absolutely do this again and would recommend it to anyone.”

- Meredith L.

"If you're someone who wants to try lifting, but feels intimidated by it...TRY THIS PROGRAM."


“If you’re someone who wants to try lifting, but feels intimidated by it or is not sure if it’s for you, TRY THIS PROGRAM.  Estelle is extremely helpful with messaging you through the app and give you modifications for the workouts when you need it.  Also this helps you feel accountable and you have support from other women who are trying to do the same.  I hope you try it!!

- Marissa D.

How much longer can you afford to keep relying on freebies, Youtube workouts, and all those saved workouts on Instagram we both know you almost never do?

You don’t have to keep blaming yourself for failing at something you were never given the tools to complete.

Take my hand if you want to become consistent with exercise, fall in love with how your body feels, and that will radiate out into the world around you. 



Frequently Asked Questions